Saturday 28 March 2009

Shuttle Discovery lands in Florida

Image above: Space shuttle Discovery lands at Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Photo credit: NASA TV

It's been just a few minutes since space shuttle Discovery and its STS-119 crew touched down at Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility in Florida.

Work to safely shut down Discovery's systems continues. Crew members are going through a detailed checklist and preparing to deplane the orbiter.

A landing convoy will assemble around the vehicle to work on exterior "safing" procedures.

Commander Lee Archambault leads Discovery's crew of seven, along with Pilot Tony Antonelli, and Mission Specialists Joseph Acaba, John Phillips, Steve Swanson, Richard Arnold and Sandy Magnus on mission STS-119.

The STS-119 crew members flew the S6 truss segment and installed the final set of power-generating solar arrays to the International Space Station. The S6 truss completes the backbone of the station and provides one-fourth of the total power needed to support a crew of six.

High-definition video of space shuttle Discovery's flyaround of the International Space Station is now available on NASA's HD Video page.

>View Video

› View the shuttle and station crew members speaking with President Obama
› Listen to President Obama's call to the space station (19.2 Mb MP3)


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